Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 2 - Sir Ken Robinson

This video holds a lot of great examples about how technology has changed the way society works ad more specifically in education. One that really stuck out was the wristwatch example. People over 25 years of age wore watches to tell the time and those under 25 used a phone or other means to know what time it is. That's a perfect illustration of how far we've come technology wise in the last 25+ years.

Week 1

My decision to be a teacher first came about because I loved kids and my mom was a teacher. I figured that was what I was best at, so why not? The exact moment I knew I wanted to teach middle school English specifically was when I was sitting in a community college English class and the professor asked a student to read a passage out loud -- and they couldn't do it. They were mispronouncing and stumbling over words, not paying attention to punctuation, etc. I couldn't believe that at this level of education they couldn't do the simple task of reading aloud. So I decided right then and there that I wanted to teach English to kids at an early age so that by the time they made it to college, they would be prepared and succeed at that level.
I'm really comfortable with using technology and am always finding (usually by accident!) new ways of doing things and certain tricks to help me. I'm not really nervous about any of it, I'm looking forward to learning more about the technological tools that I can use when I start teaching!!