Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reflection #12

I've realized that ever since I got my iPhone, I don't use my laptop as much. I use it for school all the time, like writing papers, doing projects, etc., but for the social media I use primarily my phone. It is just so convenient since I have it with me all the time and there are apps available for every social media out there at the touch of a button.


  1. The same thing happened to me when I got a smartphone! Whenever I need to look something up it's just co much easier to pull it up on my phone then drag out my laptop. Everything is on my phone and I get instant updates from social media so there's not much need for my laptop other than writing papers.

  2. be careful with how often you are on that phone Amanda and dont text/FB and drive :) i find myself constantly on my phone so i will hide it in my back pack or stick it in the glove box while im driving so as not to be tempted by it!
