Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 6

While reading Generation IM I can't say I was surprised at the content. This generation is FULL of technology, and not just things like the computer and TV. Kids are exposed to and often encouraged, both in and out of school, to use technology in order to make things easier and convenient. The article talked about "media multi-tasking" and gave the example of someone researching for a school project, listening to music, and chatting a friend at the same time. Those 3 elements of technology are just a small amount of what this generation is experiencing.
A comment that caught my attention was that if teachers today were to teach students content in the same way and using the same tools as when they learned it in their generation, the students aren't learning as best as they can be. Technology is changing weekly and in today's society, students need to keep up and be able to utilize the tools that are being given to them to further their education. We're not doing the students of today's generation any favors by keeping them from the advances our world has to offer.

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