Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 8

I think Twitter can be one of the many useful resources in promoting and sharing ideas within education. The blogs and websites that teachers post that are available and encouraged for other teachers to read up on and duplicate can be very influential to a teacher's planning. There are so many resources and ideas out there that are available and I'm looking forward to being able to use them!


  1. Hey Amanda,

    I too have found Twitter to be very useful and handy. Before this class, I did not like the idea of using Twitter. However, now that I am more familiar with it, I really enjoy using it to because I gain knowledge from teachers who have been teaching for years and have excellent insight and knowledge.

  2. Unfortunately, I have had little exposure to Twitter and therefore have not been fully capable of understanding the importance it would have in the education system. While i think that pages specifically designed for education would be helpful, they are no more helpful then a typical standard educational website. However, on Twitter, there is much more room for distraction.
